电路互易性 reciprocity for circuits微波网络互易性 reciprocity for microwave network
热力学互易法则 reciprocity law, thermal
互易定理 reciprocity theorem
不正常识别 recognition, abnormal
圆形辨识 recognition, pattern
俄歇重合 recombination, Auger
载子重合 recombination, carrier
重建之图框 reconstructed frame
重建之画面 reconstructed picture
滤波后之重建讯号误差 reconstruction error, filtered
重建滤波器 reconstruction filter
有限频宽号之重建 reconstruction of bandimited signals
录音电话 record telephone
录音之声明,录音之公告 recorded announcement
卡片纪录器 recorder, card
多路纪录器 recorder, multichannel
录音室 recording room
录音工作室 recording studio
纪录系统,纪录装置 recording system
可回收卫星 recoverable satellite
回复 recovery
复原搁置状态 Recovery Pending
复原回应搁置状态 Recovery Response Pending
回复时间 recovery time
频率回复 recovery, clock
同调载波回复 recovery, coherent carrier
矩形孔径天线 rectangular aperture antenna
矩形数组 rectangular array
矩形空腔(谐振器) rectangular cavity
天线量测之矩形(吸收)室 rectangular chamber for antenna measurement
直角坐标 rectangular coordinate
矩形导波管 rectangular guide
矩形号角(天线) rectangular horn
矩形号角天线 rectangular horn antenna
最佳化矩形号角(天线) rectangular horn, optimum
矩形回路(天线) rectangular loop
矩形微带补缀天线 rectangular microstrip patch antenna
矩形导波管 rectangular waveguide
矩形窗口 rectangular window
数组之直角对极座图解法 rectangular-to-polar graphical solution of array
整流器 rectifier