解频锁相回路解调器 demodulator, FMPLL最大相似度译码器 demodulator, maximum-likelihood
解多任务器 demultiplexer
多路分解,解多任务 demultiplexing
高密度分波长多任务网络 dense wavelength division multiplexing network
束缚电荷密度 densities, bound-charge
通量密度 density flux
讯务密度 density of traffic
磁通(量)密度 density, magnetic flux
边际机率密度 density, marginal probability
噪声密度 density, noise
噪声频谱密度 density, noise spectral
广播电视事业处(行政院新闻局) Department Of Broadcasting and Television
(美国)国防部 Department Of Defense (DOD)
航政司(交通部) Department Of Navigation and Aviation
邮电司(交通部) Department Of Posta and Telecommunications
支局 dependent office
非独立(从属)中继器 dependent repeater
支站、支台 dependent station
空乏层 depletion layer
去偏极 depolarization, antenna
天线之去偏极效应 depolarization, antenna
压缩批覆层光纤 depressed clad fiber
俯角 depression angle
调变深度 depth of modulation
穿透深度 depth of penertration
反量化,解量化 dequaztization
解禁,自由化 deregulation
反错乱器,解搅乱器,反分散器 descrambler
降低灵敏(度) desensitization
设计取舍 design tradeoff
收报人标志 designation of addressee
发射标志 designation of emission
链路标识 designation of link
标示法,符号制 designation system
频带标志 designation, band
终点 desination point
目的地分站,收报属台 desination tribuary station
桌式控制台,桌上型键盘 desk keyboard
桌上型总机 desk switchboard
桌上型电话机 desk telephone
发送(电报),派遣 despatch