检漏器 earth detector; ground detector偏心凸轮 eccentric cam
偏心中心 eccentric center
偏心轴杆 eccentric rod
偏心轴 eccentric shaft
偏心盘 eccentric sheave
偏心轮 eccentric wheel
节热器 economizer
边缘效果 edge effect
线流式过滤器 edge filter
排泄 eduction
排泄管 eduction pipe
排泄口 eduction port
排泄冲程 eduction stroke
排泄阀 eduction valve
有效马力 effective horse power; effective horsepower {= EHP}
有效初压力 effective initial pressure
有效平均压力 effective mean pressure
有效冲程 effective stroke
有效热效率 effective thermal efficienecy
有效值 effective value
效率试验 efficiency test
流出物 effluent
排射冷凝器 ejector condenser
排射器效果 ejector effect
排射器排气 ejector exhaust
弹性余效 elastic after-effect
弹性变形 elastic deformation
弹性界限 elastic limit; limit of elastic; limit of elasticity; yielding point
弹性系数 elastic modulus
弹性应力 elastic stress
弹性 elasticity
弹性试验 elasticity test
肘接 elbow joint
电力引动器 electric actuator
电动起货机 electric cargo winch
电除霜 electric defrost
电除霜定时器 electric defrost timer
电力驱动设备 electric drive apparatus
电力推进船 electric propulsion ship
电阻高温计 electric resistance pyrometer; resistance pyrometer
电安全灯 electric safety lamp
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