柴油机及燃气涡轮机复合机组 combination of diesel and gas turbine {= CODAG}柴油机或燃气涡轮机复合机组 combination of diesel or gas turbine {= CODOG}
燃气涡轮机及燃气涡轮机复合机组 combination of gas turbine and gas turbine {= COGAG}
燃气涡轮机及蒸汽涡轮机复合机组 combination of gas turbine and steam turbine {= COGAS}
燃气涡轮机或燃气涡轮机复合机组 combination of gas turbine or gas turbine {= COGOG}
复合涡轮机 combination turbine
燃烧爆震 combusion knock
可燃材料 combustible material
燃烧室 combustion chamber; fire box
燃烧压力 combustion pressure; firing pressure
燃烧过程 combustion process
燃烧率 combustion rate; rate of burning
燃烧记录器 combustion recorder
燃烧冲程 combustion stroke
燃烧温度 combustion temperature
污水总管 common bilge piping
共轨式燃油喷射系统 common rail fuel injection system
连通阀 communicating valve
比较测定器;检定仪 comparator
补偿装置 compensating device; compensating gear
补助器;补偿器;补消器;校正器 compensator
完全退火 complete annealing
完全燃烧 complete combustion; perfect combustion
完全循环 complete cycle
成分;组件;分力 component
复合锅炉 composite boiler
复式动力机 compound engine
复合冲动式涡轮机 compound impulse turbine
复合压力计 compound pressure gauge
复合反动式涡轮机 compound reaction turbine
复式蒸汽机 compound steam engine
复应力 compound stress
压缩气缸 compressing cylinder
压缩比 compression ratio
压缩冲程 compression stroke
压缩温度 compression temperature
应力集中 concentration of stress; stress concentration
同心圆 concentric circles
同心度 concentricity
凝水泵 condensate pump
缩合;凝结;冷凝 condensation
冷凝器;电容器;聚光器 condenser