婴儿食品 baby food?
出生体重 baby weight?
婴儿潮人口 babyboomer?
婴儿潮世代 babyboomer?
护背带 back belts?
背伤 back injury?
背痛 back pain?
仰卧睡眠 Back to Sleep?
背 back?
细菌 bacteria?
口臭 Bad breath, Halitosis?
平衡运动 balance exercise?
出生体重 baby weight?
婴儿潮人口 babyboomer?
婴儿潮世代 babyboomer?
护背带 back belts?
背伤 back injury?
背痛 back pain?
仰卧睡眠 Back to Sleep?
背 back?
细菌 bacteria?
口臭 Bad breath, Halitosis?
平衡运动 balance exercise?
平衡 balance?
秃发 baldness?
秃顶 baldness?
苯巴比妥 barbital?
基底细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma?
基础细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma?
舞会药物 BD?
豆腐 bean curd?
豆 bean?
床单 bed sheet?
褥疮 bed sore?
卧病不起 bedridden?
蜂浆 bee milk?
牛肉 beef?
啤酒 beer?
行为治疗 behavior therapy?
摄护腺肥大 behign prostate hypertrophy?
颜面神经瘫痪 Bell palsy?
止吐药 Bendectin?
可强化降脂药品的疗效 Benecol?
利益 benefit?
良性水肿 benign edema?
荾甮谜俶崝汜 benign prostatic hyperplasia?
摄护腺肥大症 Benign prostatic hypertrophy?
安息香重氮类安眠药 Benzodiazepine?
丧失 bereavement?
饮料 beverage?
购物狂 binge shopping?
大吃大喝 binge?
可吸收性 bioavailability?
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