①碳 ②摄氏温度计温标 C (①carbon; ②Celsius scale of thermometer)
成本加运费(目的港)价格 C. & F. (cost and freight)
加汇费的(目的港)到岸价格 C. I. F. E. (cost insurance freight and exchange)
分(每分钟次数) c. p. m.(counts per minute) 次/
秒(每秒钟周波数),赫(兹) c. p. s.; c/s(cycles per second) 周/
电流强度 C. S.(current strength)
见提单付款 C/D(cash against document.)
每秒周数,周/钞 C/S; c/s(cycles per second)
氯 C1 (chlorine)
(①cable ②cathode ③centrifugal analyzer) ①电缆 ②负极 ③离心分离器 CA
①钙 ②癌 Ca(①calcium ②cancer
冠状动脉旁路搭桥术 CAB(coronary artery bypass)
成本加运费(目的港)价格 C. & F. (cost and freight)
加汇费的(目的港)到岸价格 C. I. F. E. (cost insurance freight and exchange)
分(每分钟次数) c. p. m.(counts per minute) 次/
秒(每秒钟周波数),赫(兹) c. p. s.; c/s(cycles per second) 周/
电流强度 C. S.(current strength)
见提单付款 C/D(cash against document.)
每秒周数,周/钞 C/S; c/s(cycles per second)
氯 C1 (chlorine)
(①cable ②cathode ③centrifugal analyzer) ①电缆 ②负极 ③离心分离器 CA
①钙 ②癌 Ca(①calcium ②cancer
冠状动脉旁路搭桥术 CAB(coronary artery bypass)
冠状动脉旁路移植术 CABG(coronary artery bypass graft)
小室,舱 cabin
①柜,箱 ②塑料外壳 cabinet
箱式呼吸器 cabinet respirator
箱式高压消毒器 cabinet-type pressure sterilizer
①电缆,电线 ②海底电报 cable
电报挂号 cable address
电缆电桥 cable bridge
电缆接线头 cable lug
电报发盘 cable offer
恶,有病 cac-; caco-
空气纯度测定器 cacaerometer
阴极通电收缩 CaCC(cathode closure contraction)
藏镭器 cache
尸体 cadaver
尸体处理装置 cadaver handling equipment
盒,罐,箱 caddy
镉电池 cadmium cell
镉 cadmium(abbr. Cd)
盲肠,盲端 caecum
铯光电管 caesium phototube
铯 caesium(abbr. Cs)
咖啡 caffea
①心血管造影 ②脑血管造影 CAG (①cardioangiography ②cerebral angiography)
支架,笼,罩 cage
①饼,饼状物 ②块 cake
钙(盐),石灰 calci-
钙化,沉钙(作用) calcification
钙定量器 calcimeter
煅烧器 calcinatory
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