单根木 Hainan Ervatamia Root
鹿茸 Hairy Antler
仙鹤草 Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb and Bud
大青盐 Halite
赤石脂 Halloysit
蜜桶花 Hance Brandisia Herb
山蒟 Hance Pepper Stem and Leaf
望月砂 Hare Dung
臭梧桐 Harlequin Glorybower Leaf and Twig
玳瑁 Hawksbill Carapace
山楂 Hawthorn Fruit
鱼腥草 Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb
鹿茸 Hairy Antler
仙鹤草 Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb and Bud
大青盐 Halite
赤石脂 Halloysit
蜜桶花 Hance Brandisia Herb
山蒟 Hance Pepper Stem and Leaf
望月砂 Hare Dung
臭梧桐 Harlequin Glorybower Leaf and Twig
玳瑁 Hawksbill Carapace
山楂 Hawthorn Fruit
鱼腥草 Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb
蕤仁 Hedge Prinsepia Nut
刺猬皮 Hedgehog Hide
赭石 Hematite
火麻仁 Hemp Fruit
牡荆叶 Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree Leaf
三叶青 Hemsley Rockvine Root
莨菪叶 Henbane Leaf
天仙子 Henbane Seed
雪里开 Henry Clematis Root
小白撑 Heterohairy Monkshood Root
半枫荷根 Heterophyllous Wing SeedtreeRoot
太子参 Heterophylly Falsestarwort Root
续断 Himalayan Teasel Root
洋金花 Hindu Datura Flower /Hairy Datura Flower
泽兰 Hiraute Shiny Bugleweed Herb
蜂蜜 Honey
蜂房 Honeycomb
金银花 Honeysuckle Flower
老虎芋 Hoodshaped Alocasia Rhizome
马宝 Horse Bezoar
小飞蓬 Horseweed Herb
辣椒 Hot Pepper
紫河车 Human Placenta
地锦草 Humifuse Euphorbia Herb
打破碗花花 Hupeh Anemone Herb
羊蹄甲 Hupeh Bauhinia Root
湖北贝母 Hupeh Fritillary Bulb
粉萆解 Hypoglaucous Collett Yam Rhizome
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