改革开放政策 Reform and opening up policy
改革措施 Reform measures
商品流通体制改革 Reform of commodity circulation
经济体制改革 Reform of economic system
外贸体制改革 Reform of foreign trade system
住房制度改革 Reform of housing system
国有资产管理体制改革 Reform of management of state-owned property
人事制度改革 Reform of personnel system
产权制度改革 Reform of property rights system
社会保险制度改革 Reform of social security system
国有企业改革 Reform of state-owned enterprises
地区经济 Regional economy
改革措施 Reform measures
商品流通体制改革 Reform of commodity circulation
经济体制改革 Reform of economic system
外贸体制改革 Reform of foreign trade system
住房制度改革 Reform of housing system
国有资产管理体制改革 Reform of management of state-owned property
人事制度改革 Reform of personnel system
产权制度改革 Reform of property rights system
社会保险制度改革 Reform of social security system
国有企业改革 Reform of state-owned enterprises
地区经济 Regional economy
改革发展和稳定的关系 Relationships among reform, development and stability
风险控制机制 Risk-control mechanism
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