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中国日报热门词汇    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
办公自动化    OA (Office Automation)

办公室设备    office equipment

奥委会    Olympic Committee

保释    on bail

本命年    one‘s year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches

敞蓬轿车    open-topped limousine

操作系统    operating system

承办单位    organizer

出境游    outbound tourism

边远贫困地区    outlying poverty-stricken areas

包干制    overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash

超载过牧    overgraze

超负荷运转    overloaded operation

产品积压    overstocked products; accumulation of inventories; stock pile; excessive inventory

场外证券市场    over-the-counter market

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