冰球场 ice hockey rink
不击舟 immovable pleasure boat
皇城 imperial city; 又称“大内”。
宫城 imperial palace
帝王宫苑 imperial palace garden
防渗墙 impervious wall
管中电热器 in duct electric heater
动观 in motion viewing
白炽灯 incandescent lamp
焚化炉 incinerator
间接加热热水供应系统 indirect heating hot water supply system
间接照明 indirect lighting
不击舟 immovable pleasure boat
皇城 imperial city; 又称“大内”。
宫城 imperial palace
帝王宫苑 imperial palace garden
防渗墙 impervious wall
管中电热器 in duct electric heater
动观 in motion viewing
白炽灯 incandescent lamp
焚化炉 incinerator
间接加热热水供应系统 indirect heating hot water supply system
间接照明 indirect lighting
工业区 industrial area
工业建筑 industrial building
工业城市 industrial city
工业用地 industrial land
产业结构 industrial structure
工业废水 industrial waste drainage
工业用水 industrial water use
工业化建筑体系 industrialized building system
非规整园林 informal garden style
初建费用 initial cost
建筑内部得热 inner heat gain
插入损失 insertion loss
检修孔 inspection hole
保温层 insulation layer
工程管线综合 integrated design for utilities pipelines, utilities engineering
积分球 integrating sphere
建筑供暖系统 interior heating system
斗板石 intermediate pier
花架椽 intermediate rafter
间接采暖 intermittent heating
国际会议大厦 international convention hall
国际园林师联合总会 International Federation of Landscape Architects, IFLA
国际风格 International Style
国际自然及自然资源保护联合会 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature Resources,IUCN
翻译室 interpreters‘ room
钢铁厂 iron and steel works
岛园 island garden
等照度曲线 iso luminance curve
病兽隔离室 isolation barn
隔离牢房 isolation cell
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