转向齿条 steering rack
转向阻力矩 steering resisting torque
转向螺杆 steering screw
转向轴 steering shaft
转向盘轴 steering spindle
转向系 steering system
转向系角传动比 steering system angle ratio
挂车转向装置 steering system of trailer
转向系刚度 steering system stiffness
转向横拉杆 steering tie rod
转向万向节 steering universal joint
转向盘 steering wheel
转向阻力矩 steering resisting torque
转向螺杆 steering screw
转向轴 steering shaft
转向盘轴 steering spindle
转向系 steering system
转向系角传动比 steering system angle ratio
挂车转向装置 steering system of trailer
转向系刚度 steering system stiffness
转向横拉杆 steering tie rod
转向万向节 steering universal joint
转向盘 steering wheel
转向盘轮缘盲区 steering wheel rim obstruction
转向盘调节装置操纵件? steering wheels adjustment control
转向蜗杆 steering worm
阻流板 step,reflectro,baffle
无级传动 stepless transmission (continuously variable transmission )
变速杆 stick shift(gear shift lever)
制动灯开关? stop lamp switch
停车距离(制动距离) stopping distance
停车时间 stopping tiem
储存能量? stored energy
滤网(芯) strainer
线层包覆层? strand coating
分层? stratification
强度试验? strength test
扩张芯轴? stretching mandrel
带状线 stripline
剥开绝缘? stripping of insulatin
冲程试验装置? stroking fixture
支撑杆 strut bar
压杆 strut bar
短型车架 stub frame
指销 stud
太阳齿轮 sun gear
超低断面轮胎 super low section tyre
附加波动电压? superimposed ripple voltage
电源切断? supply disconnecton
电源线? supply line
控制管路 supply line
支撑梁 support beam
抑制滤波器 suppression filter