窄带放大器 narrowband amplifier
窄带(电磁)发射 narrowband emission
自然噪声 natural noise
准等速万向节 near constant velocity universal joint
负极板? negative plate
负极接线柱? negative terminal
网络状转向柱管 net type steering column
空档位置 neutral position
中性盐雾试验 neutral salt spray test
接线柱? neutral terminal
中和值? neutralization number
新胎 new tyre
窄带(电磁)发射 narrowband emission
自然噪声 natural noise
准等速万向节 near constant velocity universal joint
负极板? negative plate
负极接线柱? negative terminal
网络状转向柱管 net type steering column
空档位置 neutral position
中性盐雾试验 neutral salt spray test
接线柱? neutral terminal
中和值? neutralization number
新胎 new tyre
氢氧化镍? nickel hydroxide
镍-镉蓄电池? nickel-cadmuum battery
镍-铁蓄电池? nickel-iron battery
无结晶型沉淀物? no crystalline-type deposit
无主销转向装置 no king pin type steering system
寄生损失特性 no load (parasitic losses)performance
噪声 noise
噪声控制 noise control
噪声电平? noise level
噪声计 noise meter
标称电压? nominal voltage
无调谐 no-modulation (CW)
非自承式万各节 non self suporting universal joint
偏心保持架 non-concentric cage
非等速万向节 nonconstant velocity universal joint
非连续制动系统 non-continuous braking system
动力制动系统 non-muscular energy braking system
非石油基制动液 non-petroleum base brake fluid
无级变速器 non-stage transmission
中型火花塞? normal plug
密封蓄电池? no-service battery
调零机构? null setting
层数 number of plies
锥齿轮齿数 number of teeth in bevel gears and hypoid gears
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