小功率功率电动机? small power motor
光胎面 smooth tread
接合平顺性 smoothness of pick-up (engagement)
卡环 snap ring
点刹? snub
冷放时间? soaking time
接头 socket
插座? socket
插座孔? socket aperture
冷型火花塞? soft plug
电磁阀调压阀 solenoid regulator valve
电磁开关? solenoid switch
光胎面 smooth tread
接合平顺性 smoothness of pick-up (engagement)
卡环 snap ring
点刹? snub
冷放时间? soaking time
接头 socket
插座? socket
插座孔? socket aperture
冷型火花塞? soft plug
电磁阀调压阀 solenoid regulator valve
电磁开关? solenoid switch
实心轮胎 solid tyre
消声器(噪声衰减装置) sound attenuatin
声蟠 sound coil
检声器 sound detector
声场 sound field
声强与声强级 sound intensity and sound intensity level
声级 sound level
声级计? sound level meter
声功率与声功率级 sound power and power level
声压 sound pressure
声压与声压级 sound pressure and pressure level of sound
声压计? sound pressure level
声响讯号装置? sound signalling device
声速 sound velocity
响度级与等响曲线 soundness level and equal -loundness contours
声源 source of sound
隔圈 spaceband
隔圈宽度 spacerband width
空行程 spare travel
点火提前角? spark advance angle
火花电流? spark current
火花持续时间? spark duration
火花间隙? spark gap
火花塞? spark plug
火花塞外壳? spark plug body
火花塞体环? spark plug body rim
火花塞外壳六角螺母? spark plug bodyhexagon nut
火花塞绝缘体? spark plug insulator
火花塞接线杆? spark plug terminal pin
火花塞螺纹? spark plug thread