压力控制弹簧 pressure control spring
调压阀 pressure governor
转向控制阀压力降 pressure loss in steering control valve
滤膜气泡点压力 pressure of air bulb in film
压盘 pressure plate
调压阀 pressure regulating valve
调压阀 pressure -regulator vavle
压力环 pressure ring
压紧弹簧 pressure spring
压力报警传感器? pressure warning sensor
压差控制阀(优先阀) pressure-gradient control valve
冲压焊接桥壳 press-welding axle housing
调压阀 pressure governor
转向控制阀压力降 pressure loss in steering control valve
滤膜气泡点压力 pressure of air bulb in film
压盘 pressure plate
调压阀 pressure regulating valve
调压阀 pressure -regulator vavle
压力环 pressure ring
压紧弹簧 pressure spring
压力报警传感器? pressure warning sensor
压差控制阀(优先阀) pressure-gradient control valve
冲压焊接桥壳 press-welding axle housing
主腔 primary chamber
原始特性 primary characteristic
主皮碗 primary cup
领蹄(紧蹄) primary shoe(leadijg shoe)
初级供电电流? primary supply voltage
初级绕组? primary winding
先导阀 priority valve
概率密度分析仪 probability density analyzer
换档规律 process of power shift
限压阀 proessure limiting valve
眼睛投影点 projected eye point
投影设备? projection equipment
突出型火花塞? projectred nose type spark plug
换档品质 property of automatic shft
换档定时 property of automatic shift
比例阀 proportioning valve
防尘性? protection against dust
防水性? protection against ingress of water
保护压力装置 protection pressure device
凸起? protuberance
拉杆导套 pull rod guide collar
拉杆(拉绳) pull rod(pull wire)
吸引线圈? pull-in winding
脉动 pulsating
脉冲 pulse
脉冲周期? pulse cycle time
脉冲发生器? pulse generator
脉冲极性 pulse polarity
脉冲重复频率? pulse repetition rate
脉冲宽度? pulse width