黄金鸡纳树皮 yellow cinchona
黄色布 yellow cloth
黄棉蜡布 yellow cotton varnished insulating cloth
黄棉蜡布带 yellow cotton varnished insulating tape
黄鱼 yellow croaker
黄鱼肚 yellow croaker maw
氧化亚铜 Yellow cuprocide
黄绒抹布 yellow duster
蟮鱼 yellow eel
黄热病疫苗 yellow fever vaccine
黄色滤光器 yellow filter
花旗松 yellow fir
黄色布 yellow cloth
黄棉蜡布 yellow cotton varnished insulating cloth
黄棉蜡布带 yellow cotton varnished insulating tape
黄鱼 yellow croaker
黄鱼肚 yellow croaker maw
氧化亚铜 Yellow cuprocide
黄绒抹布 yellow duster
蟮鱼 yellow eel
黄热病疫苗 yellow fever vaccine
黄色滤光器 yellow filter
花旗松 yellow fir
黄绒布抹布 yellow flannelette duster
黄瓤李子 yellow flesh plum
黄木耳 yellow fungus
黄色玻璃灯泡 yellow glass bulb
黄釉 yellow glaze
粉彩黄地开光山水盘 yellow glaze powder enamel plate with medallion landscape design
粉彩黄底花鸟瓶 yellow glaze powder enamel vase with flower and bird design
黄釉刻花双耳瓶 yellow glaze vase with engraved design and double ears
黄釉白花瓶 yellow glaze vase with white floral design
黄金烟叶 Yellow Gold
黄银铜合金 yellow gold?
黄草 yellow grass
黄草制品 yellow grass article
黄草盒 yellow grass box
黄草坐垫 yellow grass cushion
黄草拖鞋 yellow grass slippers
黄绿滤光镜 yellow green filter
黄生丝 yellow gum silk
黄铁氧粉 yellow iron oxide in powder
黄马褂 yellow jacket
黄玉 yellow jade
宝石黄茶具 yellow jewel tea set
黄芸豆 yellow kidney bean
黄标酱油 yellow label soy sauce
黄丹 yellow lead
铅黄 yellow lead oxide
黄铅油漆 yellow lead paint
黄玉米 yellow maize
黄色氧化汞 yellow mercuric oxide
黄矿油 yellow mineral oil