耳氧测定仪 ear oximeter
耳坠 ear pendant
挖耳勺 ear pick
耳机 ear piece
听诊器耳塞 ear plug of stethoscope
耳息肉钳 ear polyp forceps
耳息肉勒除器 ear polyp snare
耳用探针 ear probe
听力防护器 ear protector
耳塞听筒 ear receiver
耳环 ear ring
耳用勒除器 ear snare
耳坠 ear pendant
挖耳勺 ear pick
耳机 ear piece
听诊器耳塞 ear plug of stethoscope
耳息肉钳 ear polyp forceps
耳息肉勒除器 ear polyp snare
耳用探针 ear probe
听力防护器 ear protector
耳塞听筒 ear receiver
耳环 ear ring
耳用勒除器 ear snare
耳镜 ear speculum
洗耳器 ear syringe
洗耳器针头 ear syringe needle
助听筒 ear trumpet
耳套 ear warmer
玉米穗破碎机 ear-corn crusher
耳坠子 eardrop
耳索 earing
厄尔格里子绸 Earl-glo
早福桔 early crop {Fujian} mandarin
早桔 early crop mandarin
剪春罗 early pink
快凝水泥 early setting cement
头春茶 early spring tea
早强水泥 early strength cement
预警雷达 early warning radar
耳鼻喉科烧灼器 ear-nose-throat cauter
耳机 earphone
耳机转接器 earphone adapter
耳机耦合器 earphone coupler
潜水员用耳塞 earplug for diver
碱土金属 earth alkali metal
地下天线 earth antenna
螺旋形钻土器 earth auger
接地棒 earth bar
钻土器 earth borer
接地检测器 earth detector
钻土器 earth drill
石质纤维 earth flax
地磁感应器 earth inductor
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