辐射指示器 radiation indicator
射线激光器 radiation laser
辐射测量仪 radiation measuring instrument
辐射计频谱分析仪 radiation meter spectral analyzer
射线计 radiation meter x
辐射湿度计 radiation moisture gauge
辐射监测器 radiation monitor
辐射式绘图器 radiation pattern plotter
辐射压力天平 radiation pressure balance
辐射探测器 radiation probe
耐幅射电缆 radiation proof cable
防辐射罩衣 radiation proof overall
射线激光器 radiation laser
辐射测量仪 radiation measuring instrument
辐射计频谱分析仪 radiation meter spectral analyzer
射线计 radiation meter x
辐射湿度计 radiation moisture gauge
辐射监测器 radiation monitor
辐射式绘图器 radiation pattern plotter
辐射压力天平 radiation pressure balance
辐射探测器 radiation probe
耐幅射电缆 radiation proof cable
防辐射罩衣 radiation proof overall
放射性防护工作服 radiation protection work clothes
放射卫生防护监测车 radiation protective and monitoring vehicle
放射性防护服 radiation protective clothing
防辐射玻璃 radiation protective glass
辐射高温计 radiation pyrometer
辐射制冷器 radiation refrigerator
耐辐射电工玻璃纤维 radiation resistant electrical glass fibre
耐辐射光纤 radiation resistant optical fiber
辐射散射分析仪 radiation scattering analyzer
辐射传感器 radiation sensor
辐射测量计 radiation survey meter
辐射温度计 radiation thermometer
辐射式密度计 radiation type density meter
辐射式液位检测器 radiation type level detector
辐射计数管 radiation-counter tube
无放射性玻璃 radiation-free glass
耐辐射纤维 radiation-hardened fiber
耐辐射多模纤维 radiation-hardened multimode fiber
防辐射玻璃 radiation-shielding glass
幅射电位器 radiative potentiator
散热器 radiator
散热气阀 radiator air valve
散热器刷 radiator brush
散热器芯子 radiator core
散热器片 radiator fin
散热器护栅 radiator grill
散热器软管 radiator hose
稀土灰口铸铁高压暖气片 radiator of rare-earth grey cast iron
散热管 radiator pipe
散热器胶管 radiator rubber hose