粮油食品 oil and foodstuffs
油气分离器 oil and gas separator
油脂料 oil and tallow
水收集器 oil and water trap 油-
石油沥青 oil asphalt
喷油器 oil atomizer
挡油圈 oil baffle
挡油盘 oil baffle disc
挡油垫圈 oil baffle washer
油驳船 oil barge
油性调和漆 oil base ready mixed paint
油性无光调和漆 oil base ready mixed paint-matt
油气分离器 oil and gas separator
油脂料 oil and tallow
水收集器 oil and water trap 油-
石油沥青 oil asphalt
喷油器 oil atomizer
挡油圈 oil baffle
挡油盘 oil baffle disc
挡油垫圈 oil baffle washer
油驳船 oil barge
油性调和漆 oil base ready mixed paint
油性无光调和漆 oil base ready mixed paint-matt
油基清漆 oil base varnish
油浴式空气滤清器 oil bath air cleaner
油浴电阻炉 oil bath resistance furnace
浸油尾轴管 oil bath stern tube
油浴式充油断路器 oil bath type oil circuit breaker
重型防水帆布 oil belt duck
弯嘴放油旋塞 oil bibcock
油炭黑 oil black carbon
喷油熄弧式脉冲断路器 oil blow-up type impulse breaker
升压油泵 oil booster pump
油瓶 oil bottle
油杯 oil bowl
油制动器 oil brake
油开关 oil break switch
油灯孵卵器 oil brooder
油刷 oil brush
油缓冲器 oil buffer
油减震器 oil bumper
燃油器 oil burner
燃油辅助锅炉 oil burning auxiliary boiler
燃油烹饪器 oil burning cooker
燃油泵 oil burning pump
燃油火炉 oil burning stove
油饼 oil cake
油饼磨 oil cake mill
油量热计 oil calorimeter
喷油凸轮 oil cam
油质电容器 oil capacitor
油胶囊型水听器 oil capsule-type hydrophone
油槽车 oil car