镜头盒 lens case
透镜中心厚度测量规 lens center thickness gauge
抹镜水 lens cleaner
透镜连接器 lens connector
镜头盖 lens cover
水晶体镜片 lens crystallina
镜头玻璃 lens element
镜头调焦机 lens focussing adjustment machine
电视摄像机用镜头 lens for television camera
透镜遮光罩 lens hood
摄影机镜头 lens of camera
摄影机镜头 lens of photographic machine
透镜中心厚度测量规 lens center thickness gauge
抹镜水 lens cleaner
透镜连接器 lens connector
镜头盖 lens cover
水晶体镜片 lens crystallina
镜头玻璃 lens element
镜头调焦机 lens focussing adjustment machine
电视摄像机用镜头 lens for television camera
透镜遮光罩 lens hood
摄影机镜头 lens of camera
摄影机镜头 lens of photographic machine
水晶体透镜 lens of rock crystal
镜头板 lens panel
拭镜纸 lens paper
眼镜框 lens rim
遮光罩 lens shade
立体透镜 lens stereoscope
透镜检验器 lens tester
抹镜纸 lens tissue
擦镜纸 lens wiping paper
透镜耦合连接器 lens-coupled connector
眼镜片 lenses of spectacles
温度计玻璃管 lens-fronted tubing
无透镜匹配滤波器 lensless matched filter
焦度计 lensmeter
双凸透镜 lenticular lens
香菇多糖 lentinan
注射用能治难 lentinan vial
莱奥贝牌手表 Leobe
利纳达牌手表 Leonidas
莱昂廷斜纹绸 leontine
益母草 leonurus
茺蔚子 leonurus sibiricus linne
益母草片 leonurus tablet
豹牌汽车 Leopard
豹骨 leopard bone
狸子腹褥子 leopard cat belly plate
狸子腹皮褥子 leopard cat belly skin plate
狸子腿褥子 leopard cat leg plate
狸子腿皮褥子 leopard cat leg skin plate
狸子脖褥子 leopard cat neck plate