皮胶 leather glue
皮件 leather goods
皮手提包 leather handbag
皮帽 leather hat
皮革软管 leather hose
皮猎装 leather hunting jacket
仿革纸 leather imitation paper
皮革熨平机 leather ironing machine
皮茄克 leather jacket
皮钥匙包 leather key case
皮子粉 leather meal
量革机 leather measuring machine
皮件 leather goods
皮手提包 leather handbag
皮帽 leather hat
皮革软管 leather hose
皮猎装 leather hunting jacket
仿革纸 leather imitation paper
皮革熨平机 leather ironing machine
皮茄克 leather jacket
皮钥匙包 leather key case
皮子粉 leather meal
量革机 leather measuring machine
皮卷尺 leather measuring tape
钉皮机 leather nailing machine
皮革油 leather oil
皮大衣 leather overcoat
密封皮碗 leather package
皮裤 leather pants
削皮革机 leather paring machine
皮结 leather picker
纺织机用皮结 leather picker for textile machine
皮枕头 leather pillow
皮浆粉 leather powder finish
皮革防腐剂 leather preservative
皮革压平机 leather press machine
皮件 leather products
皮革穿孔机 leather puncher
皮钱包 leather purses
皮辊 leather roller
皮辊毡 leather roller felt
套皮辊机 leather roller sleeve pulling-on machine
皮凉鞋 leather sandals
学生皮书包 leather school bag
学生皮书箱 leather school case
皮革剪切机 leather shears
皮壳卷尺 leather sheath tape
皮鞋 leather shoes
皮鞋缝合机 leather shoes stitching machine
注塑模压底皮鞋 leather shoes with injection moulded plastic soles
注塑底皮鞋 leather shoes with injection plastic soles
注塑底童皮鞋 leather shoes with injection plastic soles for child
注塑底女皮鞋 leather shoes with injection plastic soles for lady