户内单极隔离开关 indoor single-pole isolating switch
户内式断路器 indoor type circuit breaker
户内式变压器 indoor type transformer
室内外两用地毯 indoor-outdoor carpet
户内外寒暑表 indoor-outdoor thermometer
靛酚蓝 indophenol blue
吲哚平 indopine
吲哚洛芬 indoprofen
盐酸吲哚拉明 indoramin hydrochloride
吲哚拉明 indoramine
吲哚瑞酯 indorenate
吲哚克索 indoxole
户内式断路器 indoor type circuit breaker
户内式变压器 indoor type transformer
室内外两用地毯 indoor-outdoor carpet
户内外寒暑表 indoor-outdoor thermometer
靛酚蓝 indophenol blue
吲哚平 indopine
吲哚洛芬 indoprofen
盐酸吲哚拉明 indoramin hydrochloride
吲哚拉明 indoramine
吲哚瑞酯 indorenate
吲哚克索 indoxole
茚决林 indriline
抽风通风机 induced draft engine
吸风式冷水塔 induced draught cooling tower
抽风机 induced draught fan
感应电压调节器 induced voltage regulator
吸风机 induced-draft fan
电感器 inducer
电感耦合放大器 inductance amplifier
感容集总滤波器 inductance and capacitance lumped filter
电感式接近开关 inductance approach switch
电感型衰减器 inductance attenuator
电感电桥 inductance bridge
感应线圈 inductance coil
电感比较器及测量头 inductance comparator and measuring probe
电感耦合放大器 inductance coupled amplifier
电感滤波器 inductance filter
感应仪 inductance gauge
电感计 inductance meter
电感开关 inductance switch
电感式液位计 inductance-type liquidometer
感应加速器 induction accelerator
感应制动器 induction brake
感应线圈 induction coil
感应炉 induction cooker
感应圆盘式定向功率继电器 induction disc type directional power relay
感应圆盘式定向继电器 induction disc type directional relay
感应圆盘式反比时限过载流继电器 induction disc type inverse-time overcurrent relay
感应圆盘式比率差动继电器 induction disc type ratio differential relay
感应圆盘式继电器 induction disc type relay
感应圆盘瓦特计 induction disc wattmeter