手锯 hand saw
手锯柄 hand saw handle
双面手锯 hand saw with double edge
塑料柄手锯 hand saw with plastic handle
木柄手锯 hand saw with wooden handle
手秤 hand scale
手动千斤顶 hand screw
手摇螺旋压力机 hand screw press
手用丝锥 hand screw tap
手刷 hand scrubber
手动封口机 hand seamer
手摇播种机 hand seeder
手锯柄 hand saw handle
双面手锯 hand saw with double edge
塑料柄手锯 hand saw with plastic handle
木柄手锯 hand saw with wooden handle
手秤 hand scale
手动千斤顶 hand screw
手摇螺旋压力机 hand screw press
手用丝锥 hand screw tap
手刷 hand scrubber
手动封口机 hand seamer
手摇播种机 hand seeder
手摇半转泵 hand semirotary pump
手持送话器 hand set transmitter
手摇缝纫机 hand sewing machine
缝衣针 hand sewing needle
手动剪切机 hand shears
人工操作薄板轧机 hand sheet mill
手持护目罩 hand shield
手铲 hand shovel
手拉喷头 hand shower
手提信号灯 hand signal lamp
手旋起重机 hand slewing crane
手携分光光度计 hand spectrophotometer
手持分光镜 hand spectroscope
手动喷雾器 hand spray
手纺纱 hand spun yarn
手纺线地毯 hand spun yarn carpet
手动舵机 hand steering gear
手动截止阀 hand stop valve
扶手带 hand strap
手提式检糖折射计 hand sugar refractometer
手部外科器械包 hand surgery instrument set
手摇鼓 hand swinging tambourine
手动开关 hand switch
手持转速记录器 hand tachograph
手夯 hand tamper
手用丝锥 hand tap
锥形手铰刀 hand taper reamer
手用锥形丝锥 hand taper tap
手持送受话器 hand telephone transmitter and receiver
手提式水磨机 hand terrazzo grinder