遥测地震仪 earthquake telemeter
地球卫星火箭 earth-satellite rocket
铲土机 earth-scraper
地音探测仪 earth-sound inspecting meter
地球站极化器 earth-station polarizer
地球站接收天线 earth-station receiving antenna
地球潮汐重力仪 earth-tide gravity meter
蚯蚓 earth-worm
逍遥丸 ease pill
绘画架 easel
减压装置 easing gear
开启杆 easing lever
地球卫星火箭 earth-satellite rocket
铲土机 earth-scraper
地音探测仪 earth-sound inspecting meter
地球站极化器 earth-station polarizer
地球站接收天线 earth-station receiving antenna
地球潮汐重力仪 earth-tide gravity meter
蚯蚓 earth-worm
逍遥丸 ease pill
绘画架 easel
减压装置 easing gear
开启杆 easing lever
引链索 easing out line
粤东绿茶 East {Guangdong} green tea
华东灰鸭绒 East China grey duck down
华东灰鸭毛 East China grey duck feather
华东草兔皮褥子 East China hare skin plate
华东小山羊皮褥子 East China kid skin plate
华东杂色绵羊毛 East China mixed colour sheep wool
华东白色剪山羊毛 East China white clipped goat hair
乔治亚改良棉 East Improved Georgia cotton
东印度椴木 East Indian satinwood
伊斯特·拉德克利夫氏通气器 East Radcliffe ventilator
伊斯塔克里尔染料 Eastacryl dye
东方牌手表 Eastern
东方花锦绸 eastern brocade
东方地毯 eastern carpet
东方呢 eastern crepe
甩古窝 eastern eagle secondaries
甩古尾 eastern eagle tail
甩古翅 eastern eagle wing
甩古翎 eastern eagle wing and tail
蜂鹰尾 eastern honey buzzard tail
蜂鹰翅 eastern honey buzzard wing
蜂鹰翎 eastern honey buzzard wing and tail
伊斯特纶聚酯长丝和短纤维 Eastlene
伊斯门聚丙烯薄膜纤维 Eastman
伊思通染料 Eastone
依森牌手表 Eastsun
便携式组合桌椅 easy carry combination table and chair
便服 easy casual
安乐椅 easy chair