教师评等制 teacher rating scale
教师任期 teacher tenure
教员聘约 teacher‘s agreement
教师证照 teacher‘s certificate; teacher‘s license
教员工作负担 teacher‘s load
教师手册 teacher‘s manual
师范学院{美} teachers college
教师考试 teachers‘ examination
教师公会 teachers‘ guild
教师研习所{美} teachers‘ institute
教学效能 teaching efficiency
科技学院 technical college
教师任期 teacher tenure
教员聘约 teacher‘s agreement
教师证照 teacher‘s certificate; teacher‘s license
教员工作负担 teacher‘s load
教师手册 teacher‘s manual
师范学院{美} teachers college
教师考试 teachers‘ examination
教师公会 teachers‘ guild
教师研习所{美} teachers‘ institute
教学效能 teaching efficiency
科技学院 technical college
目的论 teleology
气质 temperament
学期论文 term paper
测验 test
测验分数 test score
神学教育 theological education
神学校 Theological seminary
理论教育学 theoretical pedagogy
思考 thinking
三段教学法 three formal lesson-steps; three formal steps
读写算 three R‘s
意识阈限 threshold of consciousness
俭约教育 thrift education
总能力 total ability
田径比赛 track and field athletics
贸易教育 trade education
贸易学校 trade school
训练学院 training college
公民训练 training for citizenship
学习迁移 transfer of learning
训练迁移 transfer of training
旅行学校 travel school
巡回教育展览会 traveling educational exhibition
巡回图书馆 traveling library
巡回博物馆 traveling museum
巡回教师 traveling teacher
毕业荣誉试{英} tripos
三科{文法、逻辑、修辞} trivium
逃学 truancy
劝学官员 truancy officer
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