走读生 day-student
教务长 dean
学院院长 Dean of College/Head of College
教导主任 dean of students
教务处长 dean of studies
示范试点 demonstration pilot project
系主任 department chairman
建筑工程系 Department of Architectural Engineering
土木工程系 Department of Civil Engineering
计算机学系 Department of Computer Science
经济管理系 Department of Economic Management
电机工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering
教务长 dean
学院院长 Dean of College/Head of College
教导主任 dean of students
教务处长 dean of studies
示范试点 demonstration pilot project
系主任 department chairman
建筑工程系 Department of Architectural Engineering
土木工程系 Department of Civil Engineering
计算机学系 Department of Computer Science
经济管理系 Department of Economic Management
电机工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering
电子系 Department of Electronics
工程物理系 Department of Engineering Physics
环境工程学系 Department of Environmental Engineering
地理系 Department of Geography
地质系 Department of Geology
地球物理系 Department of Geophysics
工业设计系 Department of Industrial Design
工业工程系 Department of Industrial Engineering
工业管理系 Department of Industrial Management
新闻系 Department of Journalism
文学系 Department of Literature
材料工程系 Department of Materials Engineering
材料科学系 Department of Materials Science
矿冶系 Department of Mining and Metallurgy
石油学系 Department of Petroleum
无线电工程系 Department of Radio Engineering
社会学系 Department of Sociology
测量系 Department of Survey
副校长 deputy headmaster, deputy head
毕业证书 diploma; graduation certificate
博士 doctor(Ph.D)
双学位 double degree
双主修 double major
双重学籍 double registration
辍学 drop out
双联学制 dual degrees system
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