完全配合 perfect fitting
理想流体 perfect fluid
理想气体 perfect gas
理想示功图 perfect indicator diagram
完全润滑 perfect lubrication
全导磁体 perfect magnetic conductor
完善性维护 perfective maintenance
完全地理想地 perfectly
完全黑体 perfectly black body
全扩散面 perfectly diffusing plane
完全塑性材料 perfectly plastic material
穿孔 perforate
理想流体 perfect fluid
理想气体 perfect gas
理想示功图 perfect indicator diagram
完全润滑 perfect lubrication
全导磁体 perfect magnetic conductor
完善性维护 perfective maintenance
完全地理想地 perfectly
完全黑体 perfectly black body
全扩散面 perfectly diffusing plane
完全塑性材料 perfectly plastic material
穿孔 perforate
穿孔的 perforated
有孔的 perforated
穿孔吸声板 perforated acoustic board
有孔阴极 perforated cathode
多孔电极 perforated electrode
带孔内给水管 perforated feed pipe
有孔给水管 perforated feed pipe
多孔管 perforated pipe
穿孔板 perforated plate
蜂窝板 perforated plate
穿孔夹层板 perforated plywood
多孔环 perforated ring
冲孔薄板 perforated sheet
穿孔纸带 perforated tape
穿孔纸带阅读器 perforated tape reader
穿孔的 perforating
穿孔机 perforating press
穿孔工具 perforating tool
穿孔 perforation
穿孔机 perforator
凿孔器 perforator
履行 perform
以应有的谨慎进行救助 Perform Salvage Operations with Due Care
可运行性 performability
性能特性 performance
空行 performance
性能 performance
性能分析 performance analysis
性能与成本估价 performance and cost evaluation
履约保证书 performance bond