贬值率 Percentage of Depreciation
伸展率 percentage of elongation
伸长率 percentage of elongation
计程仪改正百分率 percentage of log correction
计程仪改正率 percentage of log correction
湿度百分数 percentage of moisture
盐分 percentage of salt
时间百分比 percentage of time
磨损率 percentage of wear and tear
备用率 percentage reserve
波纹百分率 percentage ripple
脉动率 percentage ripple
伸展率 percentage of elongation
伸长率 percentage of elongation
计程仪改正百分率 percentage of log correction
计程仪改正率 percentage of log correction
湿度百分数 percentage of moisture
盐分 percentage of salt
时间百分比 percentage of time
磨损率 percentage of wear and tear
备用率 percentage reserve
波纹百分率 percentage ripple
脉动率 percentage ripple
百分之几 percentum
米 perch 5029
杆标 perch beacon
过氯乙烯漆 perchloropolyvinyl paint
渗透 percolate
渗出 percolation
渗透 percolation
渗滤器 percolator
冲击 percussion
碰撞 percussion
冲击铆机 percussion riveting machine
冲击试验 percussion test
锻接 percussion welding
冲击焊机 percussion-welding machine
冲击试验 percussive test
冲击试验滴油试验@滴油试验降压试验投落试验 percussive test
一年到头的 perennial
理想弹性体 perennial elastic body
完全配合 perennial fitting
理想流体 perennial fluid
完全的理想的 perfect
完全的 perfect
精确对准 perfect alignment
完全燃烧 perfect combustion
助燃添加剂 perfect combustion catalizer
助燃添加剂 perfect combustion catalyzer
全导体 perfect conductor
理想电介质 perfect dielectric
全散射体 perfect diffuser
理想弹性体 perfect elastic body