?安全阀设定 safety valve setting
?安全工作负荷 safety working load (SWL)
?舯垂[现象] sagging
?舯垂船况 sagging condition
?专用压载舱 sagregated ballast tanker
?帆 sail
?帆面积 sail area
?帆船 sail boat
?帆缆库 sail locker
?帆图 sail plan
?帆滑道 sail tracks
?帆船,水手 sailer
?安全工作负荷 safety working load (SWL)
?舯垂[现象] sagging
?舯垂船况 sagging condition
?专用压载舱 sagregated ballast tanker
?帆 sail
?帆面积 sail area
?帆船 sail boat
?帆缆库 sail locker
?帆图 sail plan
?帆滑道 sail tracks
?帆船,水手 sailer
?内务箱,衣箱 sailers chest
?[扬帆]航行 sailing
?压载航行 sailing in ballast
?出航许可 sailing permit
?帆船 sailing ship
?帆船 sailing vessel
?机帆船 sailing vessel with auxiliary engine
?水手,海员 sailor
?水手箱 sailor‘s chest
?沙尔测程仪 SAL log
?烤箱 salamander stove
?盐份指示器 salinity indicator
?盐分-水温-水深 salinity-temperature- depth (STD)
?盐份计 salinometer
?盐份计旋塞 salinometer cock
?鲑鳟鱼类加工船 salmon and trout factory ship
?鲑鳟鱼类母船 salmon and trout mother ship
?鲑流网渔船 salmon drifter
?大餐厅,客厅 saloon
?卤水,盐水 salt (or natrium) brine
?盐水 salt (or natrium) brine
?盐藏运搬船 salting carrier
?救难 salvage
?救难船 salvage boat
?救难船 salvage vessel
?救难工作 salvage work
?舢板 sampan
?抽样检验 sampling inspection
?取样管路 sampling line
?吊杆柱 samson post