?房舱,舱间 cabin
?室内罗经 cabin compass
?特等房舱 cabin de luxe
?套房舱 cabin en suite
?房舱乘客 cabin passenger
?房舱布置图 cabin plan
?房舱用具间 cabin store
?舱壁通风器 cabin wall ventilator
?锚链扣 cable (or chain, or bow) stopper (or controller)
?锚链扣 cable (or chain, or bow) stopper (or controller, or clench)
?缆箍 cable band
?电缆箱 cable box
?室内罗经 cabin compass
?特等房舱 cabin de luxe
?套房舱 cabin en suite
?房舱乘客 cabin passenger
?房舱布置图 cabin plan
?房舱用具间 cabin store
?舱壁通风器 cabin wall ventilator
?锚链扣 cable (or chain, or bow) stopper (or controller)
?锚链扣 cable (or chain, or bow) stopper (or controller, or clench)
?缆箍 cable band
?电缆箱 cable box
?电缆架 cable bracket
?电缆夹,线夹 cable clamp
?穿线环围,线孔线围 cable coaming
?制索器 cable compressor
?缆筒,电缆滚动条 cable drum
?缆筒,电缆滚动条 cable drum (or reel)
?电缆槽,电缆沟 cable duct
?电缆握套,电缆紧线器 cable grip (or gripper)
?电缆挂钩,电缆吊架 cable hanger
?绞缆装置 cable hauling gear
?索夹 cable holder
?接线盒 cable joint box
?布缆船 cable layer
?电缆收布机(海底电缆) cable picking and lay machine
?电缆收布机(海底电缆) cable picking and laying machine
?缆索道板 cable plate
?绳索位置测定器 cable position sensor
?电缆架 cable rack
?电缆卷盘 cable reel
?电缆护套 cable sheath
?布缆工作船 cable ship
?电缆插座 cable socket
?电缆舱 cable tank
?电缆沟 cable trench
?绞缆盘 cable winch
?线控潜水研究载具 cable-controlled under- water research vehicles (CURV)
?胶包电缆 cabtyre (or captire) cable
?实习生,海军学生 cadet
?计算机辅助工程 CAE (= computer aided engineering)
?笼形桅 cage mast
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