?散射波 radiation (or scattering) wave
?辐射损失 radiation loss
?辐射高温计 radiation pyrometer
?辐射过热器 radiation superheater
?散热器,暖气炉 radiator
?无线电 radio
?报务员 radio (or wireless) operator
?无线电示标 radio beacon
?无线电浮标 radio buoy
?电子罗经 radio compass
?无线电测向仪 radio compass (or direction finder)
?无线电测向仪 radio direction finder
?辐射损失 radiation loss
?辐射高温计 radiation pyrometer
?辐射过热器 radiation superheater
?散热器,暖气炉 radiator
?无线电 radio
?报务员 radio (or wireless) operator
?无线电示标 radio beacon
?无线电浮标 radio buoy
?电子罗经 radio compass
?无线电测向仪 radio compass (or direction finder)
?无线电测向仪 radio direction finder
?无线电传真 radio facsimile
?无线干扰 radio frequency interference (RFI)
?无线电测速仪,报房日志 radio log
?无线电导航 radio navigation
?卫星无线电助航业务 radio navigation satillite service
?通信官,报务员 radio officer
?无线电室 radio room
?无线电台 radio station
?无线电报 radio telegraph
?无线电话 radio telephone
?放射线照相 radiograph
?放射线检查 radiographic inspection
?放射线焊接检验 radiographic search of weld
?放射线试验 radiographic test
?放射线透过检查 radiographic testing (RT)
?半径 radius
?作用半径,活动半径 radius of action
?曲率半径 radius of curvature
?回转半径 radius of gyration
?天线罩,雷堂 radome
?筏 raft
?栏杆,轨 rail
?栏杆支柱 rail stanchion
?火车渡船 railway ferry
?内外迭接法 raised and sunken system
?低艛甲板,阶式甲板 raised deck
?低艉甲板,阶式甲板 raised deck
?高艉主甲板 raised quarter deck
?提升管 raising pipe
?斜度,耙,后倾(螺桨) rake