?巴基斯坦铁道规范 PRSS (= Pakistand Railway Standard Specification, Pakistan)
?巴基斯坦国家标准 PS (= Pakistan Standards, Pakistan)
?穿透试验 PT (= penetrant testing)
?人员转移舱 PTC (= personnel trans- portation capsule)
?保健局卫生规则 public health service‘s sanitary requirement
?公用室 public room
?公用空间 public space
?搅炼铁 puddled iron
?搅炼法 puddling process
?滑车,滑轮,带轮 pulley
?滑车组 pulley block
?牵引速率 pulling speed
?巴基斯坦国家标准 PS (= Pakistan Standards, Pakistan)
?穿透试验 PT (= penetrant testing)
?人员转移舱 PTC (= personnel trans- portation capsule)
?保健局卫生规则 public health service‘s sanitary requirement
?公用室 public room
?公用空间 public space
?搅炼铁 puddled iron
?搅炼法 puddling process
?滑车,滑轮,带轮 pulley
?滑车组 pulley block
?牵引速率 pulling speed
?脉冲焊接 pulsation welding
?脉冲电弧焊 pulse arc welding
?脉波变换器 pulse converter
?脉冲回复率 pulse recurrence rate (PRR)
?脉冲反复频率 pulse repetition frequency
?动压驱气 pulse scavenging
?脉冲涡轮增压系统 pulse turbo charging system (or pulse operation)
?粉煤 pulverised coal
?磨粉机 pulveriser
?多孔环 pulverising ring
?泵 pump
?泵引擎 pump (or pumping) engine
?泵胴 pump barrel
?泵叶斗 pump bucket
?泵体 pump chamber
?泵吸挖泥船 pump dredger
?泵杆 pump lever
?泵室 pump room
?抽排水布置图 pumping and drainage plan
?泵送图 pumping plan
?冲床,冲孔机,冲头 punch
?冲孔台 punch table
?孔卡(电算) punched card
?冲压模板 punchig template
?冲剪机 punching and shearing machine
?冲床,冲孔机 punching machine
?冲剪 punching shear
?冲穿试验 punching test
?乳头通风口 punkah louvre
?乳头通风系统 Punkah-Louver system