?光学文字读取装置 optical character reader (OCR)
?光纤 optical fiber
?光学放样 optical loft
?光学计程仪 optical log
?光学落样 optical marking
?光仪工场 optical shop
?最佳控制 optimal (or optimizing, or optimum) control
?最适化 optimization
?最佳设计 optimum design
?轨道运动 orbital motion
?指令舵角 order rudder angle
?普通搓捻 ordinary lay
?光纤 optical fiber
?光学放样 optical loft
?光学计程仪 optical log
?光学落样 optical marking
?光仪工场 optical shop
?最佳控制 optimal (or optimizing, or optimum) control
?最适化 optimization
?最佳设计 optimum design
?轨道运动 orbital motion
?指令舵角 order rudder angle
?普通搓捻 ordinary lay
?普通截片法 ordinary strip method (OSM)
?纵坐标 ordinate
?军械工场 ordnance shop
?矿砂船 ore carrier
?矿砂船 ore carrying vessel (or ore carrier)
?矿砂散装货与油兼用船 ore/bulk/oil (OBO) carrier
?矿砂与油兼用船 ore/oil (OO) carrier
?洋松 oregon pine
?联合国组织 organizations in the United Nations system
?孔口 orifice
?最下层甲板(四层甲板以上船) orlop deck
?最下甲板 orlop deck
?正交异方性 orthogonal isotropy (or orthotropy)
?正交异方向材 orthotropic materials
?操作系统 OS (= operating system)
?摆动缸 oscillating cylinder
?摆缸机 oscillating engine
?摆动风扇 oscillating fan
?船摇摆 oscillating of ship
?摆动器,振荡器 oscillator
?示波图 oscillograph
?示波器 oscilloscope
?普通截片法 OSM (= ordinary strip method)
?海洋温差发电 OTEC (= ocean thermal energy conversion)
?导板(拖网渔船) otter board
?单拖网渔船 otter trawler
?鄂图循环 Otto cycle
?失步 out of step
?舷外 out-board
?舷外机 outboard engine (or motor)