?闸门 lock gate
?附锁旋塞 locked cock
?库,舱,柜,锁 locker
?内锁应力 lock-in stress
?锁紧柄 locking bar
?止舵针 locking pintle
?锁紧垫圈 locking washer
?机车起重机 locomotive crane
?横肘材(木船) lodging knee
?放样间 loft (or mould loft)
?放样工 loft man
?放样 lofting
?附锁旋塞 locked cock
?库,舱,柜,锁 locker
?内锁应力 lock-in stress
?锁紧柄 locking bar
?止舵针 locking pintle
?锁紧垫圈 locking washer
?机车起重机 locomotive crane
?横肘材(木船) lodging knee
?放样间 loft (or mould loft)
?放样工 loft man
?放样 lofting
?放样台 lofting platform
?计程仪,纪录,圆木 log
?航海日志,航海记事簿 log book
?日志台 log book desk
?木材运输船 log carrier
?对数律 log law
?计程仪索 log line
?木材散装货兼用船 log/bulk carrier
?对数衰减 logarithmic decrement
?对数平均温差 logarithmic mean temperature difference
?对数比例尺 logarithmic scale
?对数应变 logarithmic strain
?测程 logging
?逻辑分析 logical analysis
?静止角(船稳度) loll
?长短臂底肋(木船) long and short armed floor
?长短臂肋骨(木船) long and short armed frame
?长桥艛 long bridge
?长焰煤 long flame coal
?长艏艛 long forecastle
?共搓 long lay
?延绳钓渔船 long liner
?长周期波 long period wave
?长艉艛 long poop
?码头工人 long shoreman
?长期预测 long term prediction
?长吨(磅) long ton
?长波 long wave
?长肋板肋骨(木船) long-floor frame
?纵材 longitudinal