?重物起重船 heavy lift crane ship
?重物搬运船 heavy lifter
?重油 heavy oil
?重油机 heavy oil engine
?重油引擎 heavy oil engine
?高浪 heavy sea
?高波,巨浪 heavy sea
?强力防挠材 heavy stiffener
?重焊接 heavy welding
?重木材 heavy wood
?踵根,倾侧 heel
?跟材 heel bar (or piece)
?重物搬运船 heavy lifter
?重油 heavy oil
?重油机 heavy oil engine
?重油引擎 heavy oil engine
?高浪 heavy sea
?高波,巨浪 heavy sea
?强力防挠材 heavy stiffener
?重焊接 heavy welding
?重木材 heavy wood
?踵根,倾侧 heel
?跟材 heel bar (or piece)
?舵跟轴头 heel brace (or gudgeon )
?舵跟轴头 heel brace (or gudgeon)
?舵根轴盘 heel disc
?舵根轴头 heel gudgeon (or brace)
?根肘材(木船) heel knee
?艉跟材 heel piece
?艉壳板 heel plate of shell (or hoop plate)
?横倾角 heeling angle
?倾侧船况 heeling condition
?船倾差(罗经) heeling error
?倾侧力矩 heeling moment
?倾侧水泵 heeling pump
?倾侧水舱 heeling tank
?美国热交换学会 HEI (= Heat Exchange Institute, U.S.A.)
?叶高比 height ratio of blading
?海尔萧泵 Hele-Shaw pump
?氦[气电]弧焊接 heliarc welding
?螺旋角 helical angle
?螺旋齿轮 helical gear
?螺旋弹簧 helical spring
?螺旋齿 helical teeth
?螺旋面 helicoidal surface
?氦 helium
?希腊验船协会 Hellenic register of shipping (HR)
?舵柄,舵角 helm
?舵角 helm (or rudder) angle
?舵角 helm angle
?舵角指示器 helm indicator
?舵杆[穿入]孔 helm port
?舵杆孔加强材 helm port transon