?前进角 advance angle
?前进常数 advance coefficient (or constant)
?前进常数 advance constant
?前进率 advance ratio
?提前起动阀 advance starting valve
?前置定时 advance timing
?提前点火 advanced ignition
?先期订料 advanced material ordering
?手斧,扁斧 adze
?音泄 AE (= acoustic emission)
?美国能源委员会 AEC (American Energy Commission, U.S.A.)
?美国爱迪生照明协会 AEIC (Association of Edison Illuminating Co., U.S.A.)
?前进常数 advance coefficient (or constant)
?前进常数 advance constant
?前进率 advance ratio
?提前起动阀 advance starting valve
?前置定时 advance timing
?提前点火 advanced ignition
?先期订料 advanced material ordering
?手斧,扁斧 adze
?音泄 AE (= acoustic emission)
?美国能源委员会 AEC (American Energy Commission, U.S.A.)
?美国爱迪生照明协会 AEIC (Association of Edison Illuminating Co., U.S.A.)
?舵面充气,舵面空气侵入 aeration of rudder
?天线 aerial (or antenna)
?架空输送机 aerial conveyer
?天线电流 aerial current
?架空线;天线 aerial line
?架空线,天线 aerial line
?天线[桅]杆 aerial mast
?航空发动机 aerial motor
?空气推进器,空气螺桨 aerial propeller
?空气螺桨 aerial propeller
?空气[螺桨]推进船 aerial propeller vessel
?高处工作台 aerial work platform
?空气动力学 aerodynamics
?气翼 aerofoil
?翼形断面 aerofoil section
?水上飞机 aerohydro plane
?航空母舰 aeroplane carrier
?空气螺桨 aero-propeller (or aerial propeller)
?空气螺桨船 aero-propeller vessel
?航空[转用型气]涡轮机 aero-turbine
?美国抗摩轴承制造协会 AFBMA (Anti-Friction Bearing Manufactures Association, U.S.A.)
?变质区域 affected zone
?后货舱 aft (or after) hold
?艉尖舱壁 aft (or after) peak bulkhead
?后置喷射推进器 aft jet thruster
?后缆 aft line
?艉尖舱壁 aft peak bulkhead
?后桅帆船 aft schooner
?后平衡柜(潜艇) aft trimming tank
?在后 aft. (or after)