?无气喷油引擎 airless (or solid) injection engine
?无气喷油引擎 airless injection engine
?无气式喷枪 airless spray gun
?飞机运输舰 airplane transport
?飞船 airship
?气密试验 airtightness test
?艾氏波 Airy wave
?美国钢材建造协会 AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction, U.S.A.)
?美国钢铁学会 AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute, U.S.A.)
?警铃,警钟 alarm bell
?警报侦检 alarm monitoring
?警报信号 alarm signal
?无气喷油引擎 airless injection engine
?无气式喷枪 airless spray gun
?飞机运输舰 airplane transport
?飞船 airship
?气密试验 airtightness test
?艾氏波 Airy wave
?美国钢材建造协会 AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction, U.S.A.)
?美国钢铁学会 AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute, U.S.A.)
?警铃,警钟 alarm bell
?警报侦检 alarm monitoring
?警报信号 alarm signal
?警报温度计 alarm thermometer
?警报阀 alarm valve
?自动负荷控制 ALC (automatic load control)
?铝护面层 alclad
?美国铝业金属公司 ALCOA (Aluminum Company of America, U.S.A.)
?酒精引擎 alcohol engine
?酒精涂料 alcohol paint
?酒精温度计 alcohol thermometer
?算则(电算) algorithm
?校准 alignment
?碱性液 alkalies
?碱度 alkalinity
?醇酸树脂涂料 alkyd resin paint
?可变调速器 all (or variable, or adjustable) speed governer
?全齿轮系统 all gear system
?全动舵 all movable rudder
?全姿势焊接 all position welding
?全周逆转装置 all round reversing gear
?总大小 all size
?熔着金属试片 all weld metal test specimen
?通道 alley way
?大舱口船 all-hatch ship
?鳄口形冲床 alligator punching machine
?鳄口形剪 alligator shear
?鳄口形剪机 alligator shear
?鳄口形剪机 alligator shearing machine
?全动舵 allmovable rudder
?振动容许界限 allowable limit of vibration
?最小限界角 allowable minimum angle
?许用压力,容许压力 allowable pressure