湍链态 turbulent state?
湍玲构 turbulent structure?
湍龄送 turbulent transfer?
湍临度 turbulent velocity?
湍脸度 turbulent viscosity?
湍敛流 turbulent wake?
湍聊 turbulent?
匝通量 turn flux?
潮汐转流转潮 turn of tide?
转向 turn?
回转轴 turning axle?
转矩 turning moment?
湍玲构 turbulent structure?
湍龄送 turbulent transfer?
湍临度 turbulent velocity?
湍脸度 turbulent viscosity?
湍敛流 turbulent wake?
湍聊 turbulent?
匝通量 turn flux?
潮汐转流转潮 turn of tide?
转向 turn?
回转轴 turning axle?
转矩 turning moment?
回转对偶 turning pair?
旋转半径 turning radius?
奈奎斯特频率 turnover frequency?
转盘 turntable?
风口 tuyere?
扭曲中心 twisting center?
扭转力 twisting force?
扭矩 twisting moment?
抗扭强度 twisting strength?
扭应力 twisting stress?
扭转试验 twisting test?
扭转 twisting?
双叶螺旋桨 two bladed propeller?
两体碰撞 two body collision?
二体力 two body force?
二体相互酌 two body interaction?
二体运动 two body motion?
二体势 two body potential?
二体问题 two body problem?
二自由度陀螺罗盘 two degrees of freedom gyro?
二维流 two dimensional flow?
平面点阵 two dimensional lattice?
二维运动 two dimensional motion?
双铃模型 two fluid model?
双铰拱 two hinged arch?
双液理论 two liquid theory?
两相怜 two phase flow?
二相液体 two phase liquid?
两相的 two phase?
双面平衡 two plane balancing?