敏化 sensitization?
传感器 sensor?
分离边界层 separated boundary layer?
分离流 separated flow?
分离因子 separation factor?
分离法 separation method?
变数分离 separation of variables?
分离点 separation point?
序列 sequence?
系列 series?
适用性 serviceability?
伺服系统 servo system?
传感器 sensor?
分离边界层 separated boundary layer?
分离流 separated flow?
分离因子 separation factor?
分离法 separation method?
变数分离 separation of variables?
分离点 separation point?
序列 sequence?
系列 series?
适用性 serviceability?
伺服系统 servo system?
机齐声 set noise?
胆 set up?
后退 setback?
导频率 setting frequency?
安装 setting?
似粘性蠕变 settled creep?
沉积 settlement?
沉降速度 settling velocity?
六分仪 sextant?
阴影法 shading?
阴影因数 shadow factor?
阴影法 shadow method?
阴影区 shadow zone?
阴影 shadow?
描影法 shadowgraph method?
影象图 shadowgraph?
沙弗拉诺夫 克鲁斯卡尔判据 shafranov kruskal criterion?
轴心线 shaft axis?
表面摩擦 shaft friction?
轴马力 shaft horsepower?
轴颈 shaft journal?
轴 shaft?
振动硬化 shake down?
振动效应 shake off effect?
振动输送机 shaking conveyer?
振摇萃取 shaking out?
摇动筛 shaking screen?
振动台 shaking table?
摇荡 shaking?
浅切口 shallow notch?