螺线运动 screw motion?
螺旋推进器螺旋桨 screw propeller?
海洋波 sea wave?
气封力 seal force?
水上飞机 seaplane?
自裂 season crack?
第二类约束 second class constraint?
第二宇宙速度 second cosmic velocity?
动力学第二定律 second law of dynamics?
热力学第二定律 second law of thermodynamics?
时秒 second of time?
二阶弹性 second order elasticity?
螺旋推进器螺旋桨 screw propeller?
海洋波 sea wave?
气封力 seal force?
水上飞机 seaplane?
自裂 season crack?
第二类约束 second class constraint?
第二宇宙速度 second cosmic velocity?
动力学第二定律 second law of dynamics?
热力学第二定律 second law of thermodynamics?
时秒 second of time?
二阶弹性 second order elasticity?
二阶铃 second order fluid?
动力学知问题 second problem of dynamics?
第二粘度系数 second viscosity coefficient?
二次碰撞 secondary collision?
二次压缩 secondary compression?
二次固结 secondary consolidation?
第二阶段蠕变 secondary creep?
二次爆炸 secondary explosion?
次级流 secondary flow?
二次负载 secondary load?
副力矩 secondary moment?
次级运动 secondary motion?
次枝力 secondary principal stress?
次级共振 secondary resonance?
二次模拟误差 secondary simulation error?
次应力 secondary stress?
次级结构 secondary structure?
次波动 secondary undulation?
次级波 secondary wave?
秒摆 seconds pendulum?
截面模数 section modulus?
截面波 section wave?
截面 section?
截面积 sectional area?
切面图 sectional drawing?
扇形面积 sectorial area?
扇形惯性矩 sectorial moment of inertia?
久期行列式 secular determinant?
久期方程 secular equation?
泥沙运载量 sediment runoff?