标准波 standard wave?
标准风 standard wind?
驻波 standing wave?
形接法 star connection?y
右舷 starboard?
斯塔林假说 starling hypothesis?
起动时间 start up time?
起动空气 starting air?
起动杆 starting lever?
振荡起动 starting of oscillations?
起动振动 starting oscillation?
起动时间 starting period?
标准风 standard wind?
驻波 standing wave?
形接法 star connection?y
右舷 starboard?
斯塔林假说 starling hypothesis?
起动时间 start up time?
起动空气 starting air?
起动杆 starting lever?
振荡起动 starting of oscillations?
起动振动 starting oscillation?
起动时间 starting period?
起动功率 starting power?
起动脉冲 starting pulse?
起动阻力 starting resistance?
起动转矩 starting torque?
状态连续性 state continuity?
状态曲线 state curve?
物态方程 state equation?
状态反馈控制 state feedback control?
态函数 state function?
聚集状态 state of aggregation?
能量状态 state of energy?
平面应力状态 state of plane stress?
静态 state of rest?
应变状态 state of strain?
应力状态 state of stress?
悬浮状态 state of suspension?
状态参数 state parameter?
状态空间 state space?
态矢量 state vector?
静态准确度 static accuracy?
静态平衡 static balance?
静平衡试验机 static balancing machine?
静力平衡 static balancing?
静反力 static constraint reaction?
静载挠度 static deflection?
静弹性 static elasticity?
静态平衡 static equilibrium?
静疲劳 static fatigue?
静场 static field?
静力 static force?