孔隙压力 pore pressure?
孔隙空间 pore space?
孔隙水压力 pore water pressure?
孔隙水 porewater?
孔隙度 porosity?
多孔膜 porous diaphragm?
多孔扩散 porous diffusion?
透水板 porous disc?
渗流 porous flow?
多孔性材料 porous material?
多孔介质 porous media?
多孔膜 porous membrane?
孔隙空间 pore space?
孔隙水压力 pore water pressure?
孔隙水 porewater?
孔隙度 porosity?
多孔膜 porous diaphragm?
多孔扩散 porous diffusion?
透水板 porous disc?
渗流 porous flow?
多孔性材料 porous material?
多孔介质 porous media?
多孔膜 porous membrane?
多孔板 porous slab?
多孔结构 porous structure?
多孔的 porous?
桥门撑杆架 portal bracing?
位置水头 position head?
静止位置 position of rest?
位矢 position vector?
正反馈 positive feedback?
正压头 positive pressure head?
正压力波 positive pressure wave?
正压 positive pressure?
正脉冲 positive pulse?
正旋 positive rotation?
正波 positivity wave?
可能位移 possible displacement?
屈曲后行为 post buckling behavior?
势差 potential difference?
应力势能 potential energy of stress?
位能 potential energy?
势场 potential field?
势流位流 potential flow?
有势力 potential force?
爱里势函数 potential function of airy?
势函数 potential function?
势梯度 potential gradient?
位势头 potential head?
内势能 potential internal energy?
位势运动 potential motion?
有心力势 potential of central forces?
不连续势 potential of discontinuity?