风动起重滑车 pneumatic hoist?
气动压力机 pneumatic press?
气动夯锤 pneumatic rammer?
耐压壳 pneumatic shell?
空气缓冲器气力减震器 pneumatic shock absorber?
气压起动 pneumatic starting?
气力输送 pneumatic transport?
压气学 pneumonics?
潘怂动 poinsot motion?
潘栓理 poinsot theorem?
质点质量 point mass?
质点力学 point mechanics?
气动压力机 pneumatic press?
气动夯锤 pneumatic rammer?
耐压壳 pneumatic shell?
空气缓冲器气力减震器 pneumatic shock absorber?
气压起动 pneumatic starting?
气力输送 pneumatic transport?
压气学 pneumonics?
潘怂动 poinsot motion?
潘栓理 poinsot theorem?
质点质量 point mass?
质点力学 point mechanics?
酌点 point of action?
进气点 point of admission?
酌点 point of application?
分支点 point of branching?
分离点 point of detachment?
分割点 point of division?
初始点 point of emergency?
拐点 point of inflection?
拐点 point of inflexion?
共振点 point of resonance?
支承点 point of support?
拐点 point of zero moment?
点爆炸 point source explosion?
点变换矩阵 point transfer matrix?
点涡 point vortex?
坑蚀 pointed corrosion?
指针 pointer?
泊 poise?
泊肃叶怜 poiseuille flow?
泊肃叶定律 poiseuille‘s law?
泊松括号 poisson bracket?
泊松方程 poisson equations?
泊松运动方程 poisson kinematic equations?
泊松比 poisson‘s ratio?
泊松定理 poisson‘s theorem?
极坐标 polar coordinates?
极方程 polar equation?
极惯性矩 polar moment of inertia?
极运动 polar motion?
极阻力矩 polar resisting moment?