冻结温度 freezing temperature?
凝固 freezing?
运输机 freighter?
频率分析 frequency analysis?
频率分析器 frequency analyzer?
频率特性 frequency characteristic?
频率转换 frequency conversion?
频率分布 frequency distribution?
分频 frequency division?
频域法 frequency domain method?
频率范围 frequency domain?
频率偏移 frequency drift?
凝固 freezing?
运输机 freighter?
频率分析 frequency analysis?
频率分析器 frequency analyzer?
频率特性 frequency characteristic?
频率转换 frequency conversion?
频率分布 frequency distribution?
分频 frequency division?
频域法 frequency domain method?
频率范围 frequency domain?
频率偏移 frequency drift?
频率因数 frequency factor?
频率不稳定性 frequency instability?
频率跃变 frequency jumping?
频率计 frequency meter?
频率法 frequency method?
频率灯 frequency modulation?
衰减频率 frequency of fadings?
脉动频率 frequency of ripple?
频率参数 frequency parameter?
频率范围 frequency range?
频率响应 frequency response?
频谱 frequency spectrum?
频率稳定度 frequency stability?
频率标准 frequency standard?
频率合成 frequency synthesis?
频率 frequency?
淡水 fresh water?
清风 fresh wind?
易碎性 friability?
摩擦角 friction angle?
摩擦闸 friction brake?
摩擦圆 friction circle?
摩擦系数 friction coefficient?
摩擦圆锥 friction cone?
摩擦常数 friction constant?
摩擦减震器 friction damper?
摩擦深度 friction depth?
摩擦阻力 friction drag?
摩擦滚筒 friction drum?
摩擦系数 friction factor?