克劳修斯 普朗克不等式 clausius planck inequality?
间隙 clearance?
解理裂纹 cleavage crack?
解理断裂强度 cleavage fracture strength?
解理断裂 cleavage fracture?
裂开面 cleavage plane?
解理强度 cleavage strength?
劈裂 cleavage?
裂口族 cleft family?
裂纹 cleft?
裂隙 cleftiness?
上升速率 climbing speed?
间隙 clearance?
解理裂纹 cleavage crack?
解理断裂强度 cleavage fracture strength?
解理断裂 cleavage fracture?
裂开面 cleavage plane?
解理强度 cleavage strength?
劈裂 cleavage?
裂口族 cleft family?
裂纹 cleft?
裂隙 cleftiness?
上升速率 climbing speed?
攀移 climbing?
斜轴 clinoaxis?
快速帆船 clipper?
顺时针旋转 clockwise rotation?
顺时针方向的 clockwise?
闭环 closed loop?
闭壳 closed shell?
闭合系 closed system?
闭式回羚洞 closed wind tunnel?
关闭压力 closing pressure?
共振潮 co oscillating tides?
合振荡 co oscillation?
等潮线 co tidal line?
凝聚 coagulation?
聚并 coalescence?
柯安达效应 coanda effect?
惯性运动 coasting motion?
涂层厚度 coating thickness?
驾驶舱 cockpit?
放大系数 coefficient of amplification?
表观膨胀系数 coefficient of apparent expansion?
压缩系数 coefficient of compressibility?
凝结系数 coefficient of condensation?
固结系数 coefficient of consolidation?
收缩系数 coefficient of contraction?
体胀系数 coefficient of cubical expansion?
扩散系数 coefficient of diffusion?
弥散系数 coefficient of dispersion?
湍脸性系数 coefficient of eddy viscosity?
弹性系数 coefficient of elasticity?