碎波 breaking waves?
断裂负截 breaking weight?
桥桁架 bridge truss?
布里涅耳硬度试验 brinell hardness test?
布氏硬度 brinell hardness?
脆性行为 brittle behavior?
脆性涂层 brittle coating?
脆性蠕变 brittle creep?
脆裂 brittle fracture?
脆性材料 brittle material?
抗脆裂强度 brittle strength?
脆的 brittle?
断裂负截 breaking weight?
桥桁架 bridge truss?
布里涅耳硬度试验 brinell hardness test?
布氏硬度 brinell hardness?
脆性行为 brittle behavior?
脆性涂层 brittle coating?
脆性蠕变 brittle creep?
脆裂 brittle fracture?
脆性材料 brittle material?
抗脆裂强度 brittle strength?
脆的 brittle?
脆性 brittleness?
折线 broken line?
布朗运动 brownian motion?
布伦特 韦伊塞拉频率 brunt vaisala frequency?
气泡中心 bubble center?
气泡云 bubble cloud?
气泡密度 bubble density?
泡畴 bubble domain?
泡状流 bubble flow?
气泡形成 bubble formation?
湍联 bubble of turbulence?
泡压 bubble pressure?
气泡 bubble?
鼓泡怜床 bubbling fluidized bed?
气泡形成 bubbling?
叶片 bucket?
伯金汉姆势 buckingham potential?
翘曲行为 buckling behavior?
屈曲系数 buckling coefficient?
屈曲负载 buckling load?
板的翘曲 buckling of plate?
壳的皱损 buckling of shell?
抗屈曲强度 buckling strength?
屈曲应力 buckling stress?
纵弯试验 buckling test?
屈曲 buckling?
缓冲酌 buffer action?
缓冲梁 buffer beam?
缓冲溶液 buffer solution?
缓冲弹簧 buffer spring?