产品类型 product type
产品用途 product usage
产品/生产导向型组织 product(ion)-oriented organization
产品的市场特征 product‘s market characteristics
产品线定价调整 product-line pricing adjustments
产品管理组织结构 product-management organizational structure
产品-市场进入控制 product-market entry control
与产品相关的行为变量 product-related behavioral descriptors
产品使用测试 product-use testing
环保 pro-environment
市场战略的利润影响 profit impact of market strategy (PIMS)
盈利性分析 profitability analysis
产品用途 product usage
产品/生产导向型组织 product(ion)-oriented organization
产品的市场特征 product‘s market characteristics
产品线定价调整 product-line pricing adjustments
产品管理组织结构 product-management organizational structure
产品-市场进入控制 product-market entry control
与产品相关的行为变量 product-related behavioral descriptors
产品使用测试 product-use testing
环保 pro-environment
市场战略的利润影响 profit impact of market strategy (PIMS)
盈利性分析 profitability analysis
有利可图的生存者战略 profitable survivor strategy
项目与公司资源的协调性 project-company resource compatibility
预计损益表 projected profit-and-loss statement
投影测试 projective tests
促销决策 promotion decisions
促销组合 promotion mix
促销策略 promotion policies
促销折让 promotional allowance
促销努力 promotional effort
促销定价 promotional pricing
及时性 promptness
探索型战略 propector strategy
寻找顾客 prospecting for customers
心理统计特征 psychographics
心理成本 psychological cost
心理定价法 psychological pricing
公共组织 public organization
公共设施 public utilities
分销渠道控制的拉式战略 pull strategy for control of distribution channels
瞳孔扩张 pupil dilation
购买倾向 purchase predisposition
采购代理 purchasing agent
采购合同 purchasing contract
采购经理/代理 purchasing manager/agent
购买力平价指数 purchasing power perity (PPP)
分销渠道控制的推式战略 push stragtegy for control of distribution channels
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