意象码 imagery code
想象治疗法 imagery therapy
意象思维 imagery thinking
意象训练 imagery training
意象型 imagery type
形象思维 imaginal thinking
假想观众 imaginary audience
青少年期的假想观众 imaginary audience in adolescence
假想色刺激 imaginary color stimulus
假想游伴 imaginary companion
假想玩伴 imaginary playmates
想象空间 imaginary space
想象治疗法 imagery therapy
意象思维 imagery thinking
意象训练 imagery training
意象型 imagery type
形象思维 imaginal thinking
假想观众 imaginary audience
青少年期的假想观众 imaginary audience in adolescence
假想色刺激 imaginary color stimulus
假想游伴 imaginary companion
假想玩伴 imaginary playmates
想象空间 imaginary space
假想临界 imaginary threshold
音乐想象 imagination in music
想象训练 imagination training
富于想象的 imaginative
想象表象 imaginative image
想象游戏 imaginative play
潜存替象 imago
肌平衡觉缺失 imbalantia
智力发育不全性苯丙酮尿 imbecillitas phenylpyruvica
纠葛 imbroglio
丙咪嗪 imipramine
战术模拟训练 imitated tactic training
模仿 imitation
模仿律 imitation law
模仿学习 imitation learning
性别行为的模仿 imitation of sextyped behavior
模仿心理学 imitation psychology
模仿战略 imitation strategy
犯罪模仿论 犯罪模论 imitation theory of crime
扩充模仿 imitation with expansion
模仿想象 imitative imagination
模仿性游戏 imitative play
模仿音 imitative sound
模仿性 imitativeness
模拟器 imitator
内在性 immanence
内在活动 immanent action
内在矛盾 immanent contradiction
内在因素 immanent factor
非物质的 immaterial