不适合 illness suited
发光色 illuminant color
豁朗期 illumination
照明效应 illumination effect
照明工效学 illumination ergonomics
照度闪耀 illumination flicker
照明水平 illumination level
光照论 illumination theory of cognition
照明均匀性 illumination uniformity
错觉 illusion
角度方向错觉 illusion of angle and direction
同心圆同化对比错觉 illusion of assimilationcontrast of concentric circles
发光色 illuminant color
豁朗期 illumination
照明效应 illumination effect
照明工效学 illumination ergonomics
照度闪耀 illumination flicker
照明水平 illumination level
光照论 illumination theory of cognition
照明均匀性 illumination uniformity
错觉 illusion
角度方向错觉 illusion of angle and direction
同心圆同化对比错觉 illusion of assimilationcontrast of concentric circles
控制错觉 illusion of control
相联错觉 illusion of doubles
误认错觉 illusion of false recognition
记忆错觉 illusion of memory
运动错觉 illusion of movement
反向相识错觉 illusion of negative doubles
定向错觉 illusion of orientation
正向相识错觉 illusion of positive doubles
大小错觉 illusion of size
一致性错觉 illusion of unanimity
错觉轮廓 illusory contour
泥浴疗法 illutation
不好的境地 illbeing
教养不好 illbreeding
定义有缺陷问题 定义有缺陷问题 illdefined problem
厄运 illfortune
映象 image
映象分析 image analysis
映象面谈 image interview
表象记忆 image memory
问题表象 image of problem
想象过程 image processing
意象审视 image scanning
意象战略 image strategy
意象调查 image survey
表象训练 image training
表象型 image type
无意象思维 imageless thinking
无意象思考 imageless thought
意象 imagery