尖头电极 pointed tip electrode
极性效应 polarity effect
多边化边界 polygonization boundary
多边化裂纹 polygonization crack
多孔焊渣 porous slag
移动式弧焊机 portable arc welding machine
移动式点焊机 portable spot welding machine
焊接变位机 positioner
后热 postheat
后热温度 postheating temperature
弧柱电位梯度 potential gradient in the arc column
氧溶剂切割 powder cutting
极性效应 polarity effect
多边化边界 polygonization boundary
多边化裂纹 polygonization crack
多孔焊渣 porous slag
移动式弧焊机 portable arc welding machine
移动式点焊机 portable spot welding machine
焊接变位机 positioner
后热 postheat
后热温度 postheating temperature
弧柱电位梯度 potential gradient in the arc column
氧溶剂切割 powder cutting
粉剂罐 powder dispenser
溶剂氧切割 powder lancing
氧熔剂表面修整 powder washing
粉状钎料 powdered filler metal
先期脱氧 precedent desoxydation
沉淀脱氧 precipitation desoxydation
成形钎料 preformed filler metal/ solder preform
预热电流 preheat current
预热火焰 preheat flame
预热氧 preheat oxygen
预热温度 preheat temperature
预热时间 preheat time
预置角 preset angle
角度法 preset angle configuration
压接 pressure welding
一次燃烧 primary combustion
一次结晶组织 primary solidification structure
最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage
角焊缝断面形状 profile of fillet weld
凸焊机 projection welding machine
点位重复精度 PTP repeatability
起皱电弧 puckering arc
起皱临界电流 puckering critical current
起皱现象 puckering phenomena
脉冲点焊 pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding
脉冲电流幅值 pulse current amplitude
脉冲频率 pulse frequency
脉冲电流 pulse level/pulse current level
脉冲电弧 pulsed arc
脉冲激弧器 pulsed arc exciter