形点焊钳C-type welding head/ C-type gun C
碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging
碳弧切割 carbon arc cutting
碳当量 carbon equivalent
二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊 carbon-dioxide arc welding; CO2 arc welding
碳化焰 carburizing flame
铜芯铸铁焊条 cast iron electrode with steel core
阴极 cathode
阴极压降 cathode drop
阴极区 cathode region
阴极斑点 cathode spot
连续冷却转变图( CCT图)continuous cooling transformation
碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging
碳弧切割 carbon arc cutting
碳当量 carbon equivalent
二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊 carbon-dioxide arc welding; CO2 arc welding
碳化焰 carburizing flame
铜芯铸铁焊条 cast iron electrode with steel core
阴极 cathode
阴极压降 cathode drop
阴极区 cathode region
阴极斑点 cathode spot
连续冷却转变图( CCT图)continuous cooling transformation
陶瓷喷涂 ceramic spraying
并列断续角焊缝 chain intermittent fillet weld
装药密度 charge density/ loading density
锯齿形裂纹 chevron cracking
敲渣锤 chipping hammer
斩波阻焊电源 chopped wave resistance welding power source
铬当量 chromium equivalent
焊工锰中毒 chronic occupational manganese poisoning of welder
滚轮电极 circular electrode/ welding wheel
环形槽裂纹试验 circular-groove cracking test
圆形镶块裂纹试验 circular-path cracking test
敷钎料板 clad brazing sheet
覆板(覆管) cladding plat (tube)/ flyer plate (tube)
覆板速度 cladding plate velocity
夹紧力 clamping force
阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode
离焦量 clearance between focal point and (plate) surface
填缝性试验 clearance fillability test
解理断口 cleavage fracture
无间隙接头 closed joint
预热器CO2 heater CO2
二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine
粗丝 CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thick wire
细丝 CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thin wire
粗晶区 coarse grained region
药皮 coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode)
涂料 coating flux/coating material
钴基合金堆焊焊条 cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode
裂纹张开位移( COD)crack opening displacement
热能集中系数 coefficient of heat flow concentration
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